Emery Three Irons
Little Big Horn College
Crow Water Quality Project
Principal Investigator, GIS Watershed Project
Emery Three Irons is a GIS analyst for the Crow Water Quality Project at LBHC. Emery was raised to understand that the world works in a spiritual way and has learned there is a scientific way. He aspires to bringing spirit and science together. His graduate research used spatial analytic methods to understand coliform contamination of private well water on the Crow Reservation and their relationship to physical characteristics and well protection factors. He currently is developing a watershed management plan for Little Bighorn River. Additionally, in the coming sampling year Three Irons will be conducting sample collections along the Bighorn River focusing on water quality parameters that will be analyzed to understand the overall health of river. Emery has a B.S. in Geospatial & Environmental Analysis and M.S. Land Resources Environmental Sciences (Montana State University - Bozeman). See Bighorn Water Qualty Sampling and Analysis Plan here.
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